Performance trick: replacing expensive locals with [ThreadStatic] fields

The Philosopher Developer

February 01, 2011

In the course of profiling some performance-critical code today, I happened upon a method that gets called a lot in my company's application, which allocates new array objects on every run.

I thought, hey, maybe this could be optimized: instead of allocating a new array on every call, I could use [ThreadStatic] and re-use the same array whenever possible (each thread gets one, so race conditions shouldn't be an issue).

I asked the community at Stack Overflow about this, and got basically the answer I expected: profile and see. So that's what I did!

The Test

Below is a relatively short program I wrote to test the performance difference between these two scenarios, both in terms of execution speed and that of memory allocation.

using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace ThreadStaticTest
    class PerformanceBenchmark
        public PerformanceBenchmark(string name, TimeSpan elapsed, int gen0, int gen1, int gen2)
            Name = name;
            Elapsed = elapsed;
            GCCollections = new int[] { gen0, gen1, gen2 };

        public string Name { get; private set; }
        public TimeSpan Elapsed { get; private set; }
        public int[] GCCollections { get; private set; }

    class Program
        const int N = 50;
        const int Repetitions = 1000000;

        static double[] _array;

        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("CPU count: {0}", Environment.ProcessorCount);

            Console.WriteLine("Testing local array allocation...");
            PerformanceBenchmark localArrayPerf = Benchmark(() => CalculateSum(AllocateArray()), Repetitions);

            Console.WriteLine("Testing ThreadStatic attribute...");
            PerformanceBenchmark threadStaticPerf = Benchmark(() => CalculateSum(GetThreadStaticArray()), Repetitions);

            Console.WriteLine("Finished! results:");




        static void PrintBenchmark(PerformanceBenchmark benchmark)
                "Results for '{0}':\n{1} ms, GC[{2}/{3}/{4}]",

        static PerformanceBenchmark Benchmark(Expression<Action> expression, int repetitions)
            Action action = expression.Compile();


            int gen0 = GC.CollectionCount(0);
            int gen1 = GC.CollectionCount(1);
            int gen2 = GC.CollectionCount(2);

            Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            Parallel.For(0, repetitions, i => action());

            gen0 = GC.CollectionCount(0) - gen0;
            gen1 = GC.CollectionCount(1) - gen1;
            gen2 = GC.CollectionCount(2) - gen2;

            return new PerformanceBenchmark(expression.ToString(), stopwatch.Elapsed, gen0, gen1, gen2);

        static double CalculateSum(double[] array)
            double sum = 0.0;
            for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; ++i)
                sum += i;

            return sum;

        static double[] AllocateArray()
            var values = new double[N];
            for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; ++i)
                values[i] = (double)i;

            return values;

        static double[] GetThreadStaticArray()
            if (_array == null)
                _array = AllocateArray();

            return _array;

The Result

Here is the output I got from the above test on a 24-core server:

CPU count: 24
Testing local array allocation...
Testing ThreadStatic attribute...
Finished! results:

Results for '() => CalculateSum(AllocateArray())':
2183.7554 ms, GC[616/1/0]
Results for '() => CalculateSum(GetThreadStaticArray())':
70.9415 ms, GC[0/0/0]

Wow, that's a big difference. Using [ThreadStatic] fields performed something like 30x faster, and without any garbage collections compared to using local arrays instantiated on every call (which also caused 616 generation-0 GCs and even a generation-1 GC!).

So yeah, this was definitely worth trying out. Am I saying that you should replace all of your local variables with [ThreadStatic] fields? Of course not. It will naturally depend on the "cost" of the object being instantiated; in my test above, I deal with double[] arrays of 50-elements. That mirrors the method I originally set out to optimize. To me, that is something like a "medium" cost. But there are other factors to consider as well, as mentioned by some Stack Overflow users:

That said, I will definitely add this trick to my tool belt for cases like this that I might encounter in the future. The magnitude of the performance improvement was, to me, really quite shocking.